Concern with tilted utility pole in historic Third Ward

A utility pole leaning on power lines is making some people nervous in the historic Third Ward of Houston, but they say no one who can do anything about it seems to share their concern.  

The pole on Emancipation Avenue at McGowen Street has already fallen onto electrical lines. Residents say they fear it could fall again, this time hitting or killing someone.        

"This is a hazard,” says Dara Scott. 

It certainly doesn’t appear to be very safe. Residents and business owners say the utility pole toppled onto the power lines almost two weeks ago but they say no one will come and fix it.  

"I’ve called 311, 911," adds Scott. "I don’t know anymore one one’s to call. Who’s the one I need to call?”

”Being a business owner right here on the corner, 1 -- (I’m concerned) it’s going to knock out our power and that’s a concern for everyone and the shop itself and 2 -- it’s a fire hazard,” explains Cyle Byrd who owns a store.   

"That’s very dangerous," says Scott. "It’s just a matter of when the right wind might catch it.”

Scott also describes that when birds land on it, "It literally sways. It just bounces, so if a bird can make it bounce..."

"It could fall on somebody," says Byrd. "It could fall on a car.” Instead of wondering and waiting to see what will happen, those in the Third Ward community want to see the pole repaired.

Minutes after FOX 26 News contacted CenterPoint Energy, a crew arrived and discovered the lines and the pole belong to AT&T.  After learning of the problematic pole, AT&T responded and said they'll get right on it.

"I really hope they get someone out here,” says Byrd.                     

AT&T released the following statement:

We are currently working to replace the telephone utility pole near the intersection of Emancipation Avenue and McGowen Street. This pole was not at risk of falling and our technicians expect to have this work completed soon. If residents are concerned about any of our equipment they can contact our 24 hour equipment service line at 1-800-288-2020.  

According to the Mayor’s Office, residents can report problems such as this to the 311 Helpline and 311 should help find a solution.