Community shows up to bless Santa Fe High School before students & staff return

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Pinwheels and balloons mark the spot where 10 crosses lay outside of Santa Fe High School. Through the rain and sunshine Sunday, folks came out to pray, pay their respects and show their support.

“We are going to pray together, we are resilient and we are healing as a community,” says the newly elected Mayor of Santa Fe Jason Tabor.

Among those attending Sunday's vigil, were about 150 motorcyclists protecting the group and letting them have their time to reflect.

“They come because they all have kids whether it’s at this school or another school they all have kids or have had kids so when one calls, we roll thunder,” says motorcycle club organizer Dwayne Martinez, who goes by the name of Cowboy. Cowboy is one himself, a motorcyclist and a father, and says he wanted to be here for all those that said they wanted to come out before classes start back up on Tuesday.

“A lot of them had voiced their opinion about being here on Sunday to do a prayer vigil and they wanted to come to the school before they actually come back to school and they wanted to face their demons and they wanted to come pray upon the school and bless the school and that is what we came here for,” says Cowboy.

Cowboy felt so touched by what happened and how he saw the community come together that he even got the Santa Fe symbol tattooed on his arm. He and Mayor Tabor say they are proud of their town and thankful so many wonderful people, whether it by the Red Cross volunteers, their neighbors or those on bikes, came out during their time of need.

“Special thanks to the teachers and faculty because they were the first ones to get our kids to safety, they are the ones that truly need the hugs, the prayers. They are the ones that are the heroes, not just to myself but to the community and to the kids,” says Cowboy.

“I feel the love from all across the country. We have had people come from all over, we have had people flying in. They are out here just supporting us and praying for us and it’s helping us heal,” says Mayor Tabor.