City of Houston Bond Election propositions A, B, C, D, E, F results
City of Houston, PROPOSITION A City of Houston
The issuance of $1,010,000,000 pension obligation bonds for the purpose of funding a portion of the unfunded liability of the City with respect to the Houston Police Officers' Pension System and the Houston Municipal Employees Pension System as contemplated by the pension reform plan contained in Senate Bill 2190 (adopted in the 85th (2017) Texas Legislature, Regular Session), and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION B
The issuance of $159,000,000 public safety improvement bonds for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation and equipment of public safety permanent improvements for the police and fire departments and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION C
The issuance of $104,000,000 park improvement bonds for the conservation, improvement, acquisition, construction and equipment of neighborhood parks, recreational facilities and bayous, including such green spaces along all bayous to create an integrated system of bayou walking, running and bicycle trails to enhance, preserve and protect the health of citizens, water quality, natural habitat and native wildlife and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION D
The issuance of $109,000,000 public facility improvement bonds for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation, remediation and equipment of permanent improvements that support public health and wellness, sanitation and other essential governmental and general services of the City and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION E
The issuance of $123,000,000 library improvement bonds for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation and equipment of the public library system and the levying of taxes sufficient for the payment thereof and interest thereon.
City of Houston, PROPOSITION F
(Relating to the area formerly known as the City of Houston Heights as it existed on February 19, 1918.) The legal sale of mixed beverages.