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City of Bellaire, Mayor
City of Bellaire, Councilman - Position No. 1
City of Bellaire, Councilman - Position No. 3
Gus E. Pappas
City of Bellaire, Councilman - Position No. 5
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION A
Amendments to the City Charter for consistency with the general laws of the State of Texas.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION B
Amendments to the City Charter requiring a public process to be followed by City Council for a determination as to whether an existing Council Member is still qualified to hold office.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION C
An amendment to the City Charter replacing the existing Council compensation structure with a flat monthly stipend and allowing the Council to change the stipend provided that any increase would have to be ratified by a majority of the voters.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION D
An amendment to the City Charter relating to investigations by Council to increase the maximum fine for failing to obey a subpoena from Council.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION E
Amendments to the City Charter to clarify language which, as currently expressed, is ambiguous.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION F
An amendment to the City Charter authorizing vacancies in City Council to be filled as authorized by the Texas Constitution.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION G
An amendment to the City Charter authorizing the City Manager to sign all contracts approved by City Council as is consistent with the current form of government.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION H
Amendments to the City Charter which require the City to borrow money in compliance with State law.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION I
Amendments to the City Charter to create efficiencies and remove provisions redundant with the authority provided for in State law as to financial administration.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION J
Amendments to the City Charter deleting sections of the Charter as unnecessary and to create greater efficiencies.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION K
Amendments to the City Charter requiring the number of signatories necessary for an initiative election to be a percentage of the registered voters in the City for consistency.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION L
Amendments to the City Charter requiring the number of signatories necessary for a recall election to be a percentage of the registered voters in the City for consistency.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION M
Amendments to the City Charter requiring the number of signatories necessary for a referendum election to be a percentage of the registered voters in the City for consistency.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION N
An amendment to the City Charter providing the citizens more time to gather signatures on referendum petitions.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION O
An amendment to the City Charter reducing the timelines for adopting franchise ordinances.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION P
An amendment to the City Charter deleting transitory provisions.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION Q
An amendment to the City Charter authorizing nonsubstantive revisions such as renumbering, gender neutrality and correcting grammatical or typographical errors.
City of Bellaire, PROPOSITION R
An amendment to the City Charter making all sections of the City Charter gender neutral.