Businesses rehiring 'boomerang employees' after the Great Resignation
Examining the pros and cons of businesses hiring ‘boomerang employees’
Many employees quit their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic but now recruiters and hiring consultants say they’re seeing "Boomerang Employees," where businesses are rehiring workers. FOX 26 Consumer Reporter Heather Sullivan has more on how it benefits both parties.
HOUSTON - Many employees up and quit their jobs during the pandemic in what's being called the Great Resignation. Now hiring consultants say they're seeing Boomerang employees, businesses rehiring workers that had left.
First, many employees left jobs in search of greener pastures.
"Boomerang employees are the same folks that left that are returning to the same companies they left," said Andres Lares, Managing Partner with Shapiro Negotiations Institute.
Why? Was the grass not greener?
"It’s more like the folks that did more alternative things, that decided to do something entrepreneurial, take time off work, spend time with family," explained Lares.
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"Folks are leaving companies, and then realizing maybe being fully remote wasn’t for them," adds Keith Wolf, Managing Director of Murray Resources.
A boomerang hire can benefit both the business and the returning employee.
"Someone who already knows the systems and understands the technology you're using, understands the relationships in the office," said Wolf.
Consultants advise businesses to be flexible.
"A full-time employee might go back as a part-time employee, or might go back as a contractor," said Lares.
"Do what works for your culture. If people working remotely doesn't fit the culture," said Wolf. "It's not going to work."
For workers who want to return, prepare to make your case.
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"Think about first of all what you want to accomplish," suggested Lares. "Going back under what terms? And when you have that meeting, what’s going to be your opening? What tone is going to be set?"
And don't expect an employer to say yes to everything you request.
"If you're asking for a raise and to work fewer hours, for more flexibility and a different job title, I'm sure it's not reasonable to expect them to say yes to everything," said Lares.