Blind bus rider says Metro doesn't serve disabled community

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A blind man who lives in the Houston-area says Metro Public Transportation is doing a disservice to its customers. Jose Avila points out a key feature many of us might not think about. All buses are supposed to have speakers that announce each stop. He says many times that's not the case.

"I get frustrated, I get anxiety attacks it's very depressing," Avila said.

Jose Avila says being blind is a challenge in itself  but he says now Metro has become his worst nightmare.

"Am only worth one dollar $1.25 to them. When you add up everybody together that's a lot if money ...very frustrating," Avila said

He's got a bucket list of reasons why he's frustrated. But his biggest point of contention is something many of us take for granted.

"When I'm riding the buses their speakers are not there and when I'm talking to the drivers to find out where I'm at to see if I'm coming up to my stop they make me feel uncomfortable asking them. They make you feel like you're supposed to know but it's kinda hard when you can't see things in life," Avila said.

When we asked Metro if this was the case, they say they gone the extra mile to help Mr. Avila. But they do agree the speakers are supposed to work.

"Every bus should be making bus stop announcements. I've been on several buses where that is the case. But I'll with our operations people and we'll follow up from a fleet standpoint," Metro Spokesman Thomas Lambert said.