Online women's empowerment event to inspire, encourage following your dreams

Women have been hit harder by the impact of COVID-19, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But one Houston woman is hoping to ease that burden in this Positively Houston.

From childcare crises to economic emergencies, the pandemic has pummeled millions of ladies, but this Women’s History Month, former Houston City Council member Amanda Edwards is trying to change that narrative.

"People are desperately in need of inspiration, of light and empowerment. So I wanted to create a vehicle that we could address those needs," explains Edwards. 

So Edwards, who’s been busy doing disaster recovery with her non-profit, Be The Solution Community Empowerment Organization, is hosting a virtual women’s empowerment event and you’re invited.

"It is an opportunity for women of all ages of all demographics, of all backgrounds to be inspired by trailblazers." 


Some of the powerhouse panelists include former Houston Mayor Annise Parker and Shauna Clark.

"Who is the U.S. and Global Chair of Norton, Rose Fulbright. She’s a woman of color and she runs an international law firm here in our city," Edwards adds. 

Little ladies you aren’t left out. Also speaking? Teenager and tycoon Mikaila Ulmer.

"Who at the age of 4-years-old was stung by a bee and used that as inspiration to then start a company called 'Me and The Bees.' It’s a lemonade company that’s in stores everywhere across the country," Edwards smiles.  

"We saw over 2-million women leave the workplace last year," says Denise Hamilton CEO of WatchHerWork. Fortunately, panelist Denise Hamilton wasn’t one of them. She started her company WatchHerWork five years ago.

"We know how many Black owned businesses just did not survive 2020 and I’m so honored to still be here," says Hamilton. 


"Having women share their authentic stories and the rocky path that they had to travel in order to get to where they are, I think can be a motivator," adds Edwards.

The Women’s Empowerment virtual event will address overcoming set backs, health and wellness and seeks to lift up ladies in attendance.

"Be inspired, be empowered and pursue whatever dream it is you have in your heart," says Edwards.


"It’s a hard time and there are a lot of people that need support and encouragement, but I also want people to feel like wait a minute this might be my year," adds Hamilton. 

The Be The Solution virtual women’s empowerment event is next Tuesday, March 30 at 6 p.m. It is free of charge, but you do have to register before you can attend at Click the Be The Solution tab to enter registration. 

Positively HoustonHoustonWomen's History Month