Bayou City Buzz: Old Town Harrisburg

A new Mexican hacienda In Old Town Harrisburg is shining the light on the history and authenticity on the East End.

Old Town Harrisburg on the east end of Houston is a neighborhood that is full of culture & history. Most recently they have added a Mexico hacienda with replicas of some of Mexico‘s most popular places.


They have roughly 10 different lots including shops with arts and crafts, Garibaldi‘s Plaza, where the mariachis play, a chapel, pop-up tents and a market. It’s also the only place in the world that sells Mexican pizza.

They also have a unique coffee shop that adds vitamins to your cup of Joe, a bar that pays tribute to CoCo Mango in Mexico, and their most famous attraction is an alleyway known as the Callejon Del Beso- the Alley of the Kiss in which two balconies are set inches apart to allow a couple to kiss.

They had a couple of old buildings so rather than demolish and rebuild, they decided to re-use the old architecture and convert it into a Mexican hacienda.

They’ve worked with community leaders to bring the metro line from downtown directly onto Harrisburg in hopes of attracting millions of visitors to the area. 

For more information, click here

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