Bayou City Buzz: Batman in Houston

Cruize Gaj owns a health and wellness marketing consulting company and although he loves the work, it’s his passion that drives him.

He has been dressing as Batman for years and popping up throughout different community events to uplift and inspire the children. You may remember when Batman showed up to the George R. Brown Convention Center after Hurricane Harvey to distribute comic books and toothbrushes to the children, yep that was him.


His love for Batman began after he was constantly bullied as a kid. He didn’t understand why the other kids didn’t like him and was always scared and anxious. One day, he picked up a Batman comic book and began to understand overcoming adversity by being strong and believing in yourself. He says that Batman saved him.

Cruize visits children in tough situations and those getting treatments for different types of illnesses. He also helps their parents with gift cards for related expenses, thanks to his network of doctors and dentists.

A hero‘s work is never done, so Batman has continued to show up even during the pandemic through personalized videos and outside of windows.

No Batman would be complete without a Batcave. Gaj has quite an impressive one that contains some Gothic gems that will wow even the biggest Batman enthusiast.

He says the message is be brave, be a hero, and don’t give up.