Astros ‘Hate Us’ t-shirts causing a stir after sign-stealing scandal
Astros ‘Hate Us’ t-shirts causing a stir after sign-stealing scandal
An online t-shirt company is asking Astros fans to show their support by wearing a t-shirt that says "Hate Us". Almost everyone we talked to found the message either confusing or mean-spirited. Only one person would actually buy and wear the shirt.
HOUSTON - According to the company’s website, the 20 dollar Hate Us t-shirts are made by “good honest folks from Texas that won’t do you wrong. Go Astros.”
“Watching Houston in the World Series I’m a bit dismayed over things that transpired. I don’t really understand the Hate Us t-shirt, it seems to be exasperating the situation even further,” said Keith Lowrie.
“It’s definitely not a nice word, so then it’s not supportive at all,” said Nathan Ramierez.
“I agree, I don’t think I would use the word hate,” said Nathan’s wife Marissa Ramierez.
“I don’t know if I like that message being the bad guy to fuel your team and motivate you but at the same time hate’s a strong word maybe they can come up with a better message than that,” said John Green.
“I wouldn’t personally put that on a shirt,” said John’s wife Tanya Green. “You have a lot of young kids that look up to these players and a message like that fuels animosity and that’s not really what people should be striving for especially in sports.”
The only person we interviewed that liked the shirt and its message is Henry Solis.
“It is what it is, hate us or love us, we won the title,” he said.
So would he buy one and wear it?
“Why not,” Solis said. “I like it.”
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