Anti-LGBTQIA+ protestors show up outside of Drag Bingo event at a church in Katy
Anti-LGBTQ protestors show up outside of Drag Bingo event at a church in Katy
Shouts from both sides of Morton Ranch Road could be heard by drivers passing by Saturday. The event was a fundraiser for members of the LGBTQ community.
KATY, Texas - As a scheduled LGBTQIA+ event happened inside of First Christian Church in Katy Saturday evening, protestors from both sides of that portion of Morton Ranch Road could be seen and heard by drivers passing through.
The place of worship, known for accepting members of the LGBTQ community and their families, hosted a Drag Bingo event that was open to all ages. It was then followed by an adults-only event later Saturday evening. Both events benefit Transparent Closet, a free clothing boutique for trans and teens in the area.
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A couple of hundred protestors, many equipped with signs, bullhorns, and some rifles made their presence known.
"Regardless if there are kids here are not, it's their parent's choice to come out here and bring their kids," says Jeff, a supporter of the event. "It's not about it being cruelty. I don't really see it that way."
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Matt Brown says his group was there to show their support for the youth in attendance - he says parents are pushing their own beliefs and agendas on the children and the community.
"No one minds when two adults make up their minds together," says Brown. "What we mind is when they sell it to our teenagers. They can't keep it where it's at. It's always a moving goal-post."
Harris County Sheriff's Deputies were seen monitoring in riot gear. There were small fights and arguments in the crowds, but no injuries or arrests have been reported.