Alleged human smuggler from Houston arrested in Kinney County

A woman from Houston was arrested in Kinney County, Texas Wednesday accused of human smuggling.

According to Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe, the woman and a passenger had six undocumented migrants from Mexico stashed in their car. This includes a 5-year-old girl packed in the vehicle’s trunk.

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"We’re a small community," said Sheriff Coe. "Very small. We’ve got 3,200 people in the whole county. Normally, it’s a quiet county. Not a lot goes on here. Now, it’s gotten so chaotic, we’ve already had 13 pursuits for the month."

Sheriff Coe says they’re overwhelmed with undocumented immigrants illegally surging across the border into Kinney County. According to Coe, many of the human smugglers they’re catching are from Houston.

"The majority of people we’re seeing right now, that we’re catching, are from the Houston area," said Coe.

We asked Sheriff Coe, why he thinks many of the human smugglers are from Houston.

"That’s one of the questions we have," said Coe. "I’m sure it’s social media driven. Or, they’re targeting people in Houston. Or, are the people from Houston more active in this?"

Last year, U.S. Border Patrol encountered more than two million illegal migrants.

"That’s always a concern," said Coe. "Trying to keep it out of town. Trying to keep it out of schools. I’m up all night in case I have to respond." 

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