23-year-old ex-con who was granted bond after allegedly killing his 7-month-old daughter now a wanted fugitive
Breaking Bond: Ex-con out on bond now on the run
FOX 26 Reporter Randy Wallace has more on this ex-con who is now on the run after being released on bond.
HARRIS COUNTY, Texas - In 2019, Albert Collin Zuniga got probation for physically attacking his wife.
According to court documents, Zuniga continuously violated his probation.
"He gets charged with not one, but two additional crimes," said Andy Kahan with Crime Stoppers. "He gets charged with carrying a handgun in a vehicle and also resisting arrest."
His probation is revoked. Zuniga spends a year in jail.
Last August he’s charged with murder. Police say he shook and beat his 7-month-old daughter to death.
"He actually sits in custody for a month and a half or so," Kahan said.
Zuniga becomes a free man in October after 176th District Court Judge Nikita Harmon lowers his $150,000 bond. Even though he was ordered to wear an electronic monitoring device, Zuniga is now nowhere to be found.
"The bottom line is Albert Zuniga charged with murder of an infant is now a wanted fugitive," Kahan said.
We’ve noticed a number of defendants free on bond for domestic abuse charges go on to murder their domestic abuse victim.
"Right now, I’m up to 17 and also three unborn children," said Kahan. "This is a serious situation."
Zuniga joins a long list of defendants free from jail on multiple felony bonds, who are now wanted fugitives.
No Harris County official, like County Judge Lina Hidalgo, can say how many of these wanted fugitives are out there.
"If they gather the information, it lets the public know just how many are out there, and they don’t want that to happen because it looks bad on all the judges," said Ray Hunt Executive Director Houston Police Union.
In just the last few months, at least two officers have been killed by defendants who forfeited their bonds and became wanted fugitives.
"When was the last time you found somebody on the run for killing a police officer or brutally murdering an 80-year-old and found out this was their first offense," Hunt said. "Never, they’re always out on bond."