14-year-old Houston girl diagnosed with Lupus has entire amusement park opened for her

Few people know what it’s like to have an entire amusement park opened just for them. One Houston girl is now added to that list.

The outing at the Kemah Boardwalk is actually a dream come true for 14-year-old Nevaeh Wade, who had spending a day at the Boardwalk on her bucket list. But with crowds and other obstacles, she thought it could never happen.


"When we heard Nevaeh had Kemah Boardwalk on her bucket list, the phones were going. I got several phone calls. I was calling several people and we said we’re going to make something happen, make a very special day for her," explains Kemah Boardwalk General Manager Jacob Bigger.

"How are you doing Nevaeh?" Bigger greets the teen as she arrives early Friday.

"Good," she smiles.

"You ready to have some fun?" he asks.

"I’m ready to get on the rides," she answers and that she did.

We first introduced you to this princess late last month. Nevaeh was a week out of the hospital and taking a carriage ride to fulfill part of her bucket list. You see, Nevaeh has Lupus and it’s now effecting her brain, heart, lung and a kidney. So she created the list, which is normally reserved for people ten times her age.

RELATED: 14-year-old Houston girl who has accepted she may not live much longer creates bucket list

RELATED: 14-year-old Houston girl with Lupus gets to be judge for day

"We opened up the rides for her before the park opened. We also set up a private ride on our awesome speedboat ride, The Beast," Bigger explains.

"I'm very grateful and thank you very much, Kemah Boardwalk," the 14-year-old said smiling.

The Kemah Boardwalk General Manager isn’t only hosting Nevaeh and 20 of her family members, he brought employees in early and even hopped on a ride or two with the group.

"Jacob you’re really riding?" we asked. "They challenged me. So I had to get on," he smiles.

"We just want to make sure she’s able to get the entire experience here at Kemah Boardwalk and we’re able to provide that in a way that she’s comfortable and she’s just with her family and friends. So we're excited to be able to do that," adds Bigger.

"It was amazing just to know they thought of us in our time of what we’re going through," says Nevaeh’s Mom Eco Wade.

"It’s Nevaeh Day here at Kemah Boardwalk," says Bigger.


After a rush of rides, a private visit with the stingrays and games galore, the gifts just kept on coming as Bigger surprised the 14-year-old with a super soft jumbo stuffed giraffe. The spectacular day even included lunch on the Kemah Boardwalk Fantasea Yacht and Captain Blake let his new Co-Captain, Nevaeh take the wheel for a while.

"I am truly ecstatic for her because she was like 'well mommy I don’t know if I’m going to get tired' and as you can see she’s not tired. She’s running past everybody," Nevaeh’s mom said smiling.

One day of fun, leaving this family with magical memories that will last a lifetime.