11-year-old Houston girl with big personality looking for forever home
11-year-old girl looking for loving home
The holidays can be tough for kids in foster care, but FOX 26 wants to help make it brighter for them. FOX 26's Sally MacDonald got to meet the sweetest 11-year-old, Farrah, who is looking for her forever home.
HOUSTON - The holidays can be tough for kids in foster care, but FOX 26 wants to help make them brighter. Farrah, 11, is looking for her forever, adoptive home.
"Are you excited to get out of school for the holidays," FOX 26’s Sally MacDonald asked.
"Oh I’m very excited," said Farrah.
The first thing you need to know about Farrah is she has a personality as bright as her big blue eyes.
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"Cane’s is one of my favorite places. Their chicken is the best, and their sauce and their ice is perfectly mini. Sooooo good," she said.
She’s funny, opinionated, and very artsy. Sally met Farrah at Kid Create Studio in the Greater Heights area, where she learned how to make a clay bowl.
"If you had three wishes, what would they be," asked MacDonald.
"Be adopted, do more art, and have a phone. I really think I’m old enough to have a phone. I’m 11," exclaimed Farrah.
We can’t help her with a phone, but FOX 26 and Deplechin Children’s Center do hope to find Farrah a permanent, loving home.
"She’s in foster care now, and she’s legally free to be adopted. This is the most important time to have a family to cement values and become a successful adult," said Arnold Valdez, Depelchin Children’s Center.
Farrah bonds easily with other adults. She would love a mom, dad, siblings, and even pets.
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"Have family time, go on picnics, have game night," she said.
On the bowl, she made plans to write the names of everyone she loves which is fitting for a girl who loves hugs.
For more information on adopting Farrah, or any other child visit Depelchin Children's Center website here.