Nassar complains about hearing victims, 5 more women ask to speak at sentencing

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As dozens of women continue to give graphic testimony before Larry Nassar's sentencing, on day three the former doctor wrote a letter asking for the testimony to stop.

As of Thursday, a total of 105 victims are expected to tell their emotional stories during a four-day sentencing hearing of how Nassar sexually abused them.

Nassar, a former MSU gymnastics and Team USA physician who agreed to a plea deal in exchange of avoiding a trial, wrote Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Rosemarie Aquilina a handwritten letter asking to end the testimony early. He also accused her of turning the case into a media circus.

Graphic testimony continues as Larry Nassar listens to more victims speak

Judge Aquilina said she didn't ask the media to be in her courtroom and doesn't understand why he's bringing up the complaints now.

"I do not know why you are complaining now," she said.

She continued and told him she didn't even know who he was before the trial.

"I don't need any cameras, you're free not to take my picture. I don't have a dog in this fight, sir. I didn't orchestrate this, you did by your plea of guilty. I didn't know anything about Larry Nassar, while my family is into sports, while they're watching the Olympics, I am working, I teach at two law schools, a number of classes, I have five children," she said. "I don't know who Dr. Nassar is."

Chilling testimony against Larry Nassar continues as dozens speak

She said she did everything she could to insure an impartial trial and even added two extra seats in the jury before the plea deal was reached. Part of the deal, which she read in court, included that all victims would have a chance to speak. 

"Included shall be the 125 victims who have reported the assaults to Michigan State University Police Department and the other victims who have been identified on the people's list," she read.

Then she reiterated the point:

"It says included, not limited to."

Graphic testimony by victims of Larry Nassar during 4-day sentencing

This week, five additional women are asking to speak who previously did not want to. That brings the total number testifying to 105 but judge Aquilina said there's no cap to the number of victims who can testify. She said that the hearing could continue into Monday.

"You may find it harsh that you are here, listening. But nothing is as harsh as what your victims endured for thousands of hours at your hands," the judge said. "Spending 4 or 5 days listening to them is significantly minor considering the hours of pleasure you had at their expense and ruining their lives."

In another section of the letter, Nassar complains how he must sit in the witness box.

"You're sitting here in the witness box not for you entertainment, but so your victims can face you in the eye without turning back constantly," she said.

The judge dismissed the letter to continue with the sentencing hearing.

"Writing this mumbo jumbo doesn't help you sir," she said.

The Michigan Attorney General's office is pushing for a 40-year sentence. Nasser has already been sentenced to 60 years for child pornography charges. 

WATCH: the judge in the video above or on our YouTube page here: